IVEPOS Dashboard helps you instantly analyse your store’s sales, manage inventory and back office directly from your smartphone or tablet anytime, anywhere. Complementing the IVEPOS app it puts real-time information about your business at your fingertips allowing you to make important decisions immediately.SALES SUMMARYView revenue, average sale and profit.SALES TRENDTrack sales growth comparing with previous days, weeks, months or years.ANALYTICS BY ITEMDetermine which items are performing well, averagely or underperforming.SALES BY CATEGORYFind out which categories sell the best.SALES BY EMPLOYEETrack individual employee performance.MANAGE INVENTORY- Track inventory in real time- Set stock levels and receive low stock notifications- Bulk import and export inventory from/to a CSV file- Manage items with variants- Transfer stocks- Manage stocks from vendors- Manage ingredients efficiently and increase profitsMANAGE CUSTOMERS-Send promotions to customers to increase sales-Manage customer credits-Track customer feedback and take necessary action to increase happy customers- Run loyalty program to reward customers for their recurring purchasesIVEPOS Dashboard is also available as Webapp http://ivepos.com